Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Two Step

Smiley is almost walking! Have I mentioned that before? We're very excited and so proud of her.

Today is Sunday and I had to go into the office for most of the day. We're having gorgeous weather here, it's almost 90 degrees out and sunny, so you can imagine how excited I was to be stuck in an office. I confess, for every bio break today, I also did a lap around the soccer fields. Come to mama, Vitamin D!

While I was at work, making the most of my situation and making some good progress on a few important tasks, I had this momentary fear that this would be the day she started walking. And that I would miss it.

Denial. Anger. Acceptance. I went through all that pretty quickly and was able to shrug it off. These things happen, and while it would be a bummer to miss it, it's not the end of my world.

When I got home, all the chaos of mommy finally arriving, and daddy's relieved look, and Smiley hollering for me, and Turbo showing me his black eye (more on that later), I sort of forgot about my premonition that we'd see some kind of milestone today.

And then... ta dum! We were in the kitchen and Smiley was laughing and playing and then she stood up on her own (she did that twice yesterday too). She sort of bopped up and down in a kind of dance and gave me a quizzical look like, "Hey, I'm not falling on my butt." Then she smiled.

I backed away from her quickly and beckoned her to come, "C'mon, baby! C'mere!" And held my hands just out of her hands' reach.

She took a step!

And smiled.

And took another step!

And smiled again as she threw herself on mama and was smothered in kisses.

I didn't miss it. It wasn't full-on walking, but it was awesome to see that look on her face. That's why I didn't want to miss this. Now I know it'll be OK if she takes a lot more steps at daycare, or with daddy, or in her crib at 3 AM, because I saw those first surprised looks on her face and that is all I needed.

The rest is up to her.

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