Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why Didn't I Think of That?

My daughter is 9 months old, eating like a champ, and I've finally gotten into the swing of making a lot of her food. I did end up doing a lot of jar food for a couple of months, but that's because sleep had gone bye-bye in our house and I was tired with a capital YAWN.

But, things are smoothing out now and I'm steaming peaches and sweet potatoes and mixing that with some veggies and even some chili powder and cilantro for some extra flavor. I have Dr. Susanna to thank for those flavor ideas! Here is one of her yummy jars of food:

But the thing I have just figured out (can you say "Light Bulb Moment"?), is that I should just make or buy soup and puree that.

Soup is so yummy, a complete meal in and of itself and if you make it, you can really control the salt and pick the best veggies.

Big ol' stockpot, here I come!

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