Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Mom is My Google

I'm a Google girl. Not so much Yahoo or Bing, but when I want to find something, I Google it. I love to scour the Internet for an answer to some question that must be located rightthissecond.

But, to be honest, my first instinct for many things, at least when it comes to cooking, is to call my mom.

For example, I realized, much to my embarrassment, that I've never hard boiled an egg.

[pauses to let the laughter die down.]

It's time to give my daughter egg yolks and the best way to feed them to her, with no egg-white contamination, is to hard boil the egg and then separate. Easy, smashy food for a gummy mouth to figure out how to eat.

My mom is currently on vacation, so I'm waiting to call her, and haven't even considered Googling it. For me, I just want to have that knowledge from my mom. I love that something as simple as hard boiling an egg is something that can pass down through generations.

If I Google it, I'll be bombarded with way too many opinions on the method and time involved in this simple skill. I don't want all that. I want to filter out that noise.

I want my mom.

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