Monday, June 13, 2011

Amazing Gloria

For some reason, I chose tonight to start saying grace before our evening meal. I grew up in a house where we said grace before dinner and I've always liked the tradition.

My husband, my son and I sat down before the best tuna casserole in the land (thankyouverymuch), and without really thinking about it, I said, "Let's hold hands and say grace."

Two little eyebrows shot up.

"Bless us, oh Lord, and these they gifts which we are about to receive, through thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen."

A quizzical glance from my son, followed by a rare silence.

A few bites into the meal, he says, "Let's do more Gloria."
me: "you mean Grace?"
him: "yeah."

OK. "Dear Lord, thank you for my darling family, my husband, my son, my daughter. Amen."

Finally, a cute little, "Amen" to my right, followed by, "I said 'Amen.'"
me: "Good job." (it's always good to offer praise for learning a new skill.)

And, so, tonight's dinner was an entertaining feast, where we thanked the Lord for our milk, our favorite Woody & Buzz Lightyear cup, our dinner, my son (several times, at his request)... all followed by increasingly enthusiastic Amen's.

"Mom, I like Gloria."

Me too. Amen to that.

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