Monday, June 20, 2011

Three More Months

Cause for celebration, we've reached the 9 month mark in our baby girl's life and that means we're rounding the corner to no more bottles, steadier naps, and far cheaper daycare. Hooray, right?

I find my cheers coming up a little short, for this also means my little baby is growing up.

This tiny, fragile being is turning into a laughing, smiling soon-to-be-walking little girl right before our eyes. She's driving the unstoppable train of rapid growth and all I want to do is stop the momentum for a second and stare into her blue eyes and memorize her. I want to commit every inch of her to some cannot-be-erased memory.

And, yet, the now is amazing and thrilling to watch, and I don't want this stage to end either.

It's overwhelming how deeply you can love another being. I can marvel and grin at her advancement while simultaneously grieving the loss of each stage she's left behind with alarming ease.

Blessed am I to bear witness to this daily evolution.

And I will celebrate the end of bottles and I will sigh in contentment for longer naps and I will respond with enthusiasm to her babbling chatter.

You go, girl. I'll be here watching.

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