Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sleep - Try to Get At Least Eight Hours

Oh, sweet elusive sleep. If only I could order you from a website and have you express delivered to be here the day before yesterday. I'd set up a recurring order asap.

Have you ever read an online article about how to be less tired, less stressed, all-in-all a better 'you'? They always say something like, "oh, and by the way, get those 8 hours of sleep."

But I have yet to locate in any of these articles any mention of, "oh, and btw, if you're a parent of a young child, you won't be getting those 8 hours."  Or even, "we're so sorry that sometimes small children won't let you sleep for 8 hours (at least, not in a row)."

Nope, they just skip right on by that subject. It's like if you take a health assessment a few months after your baby is born and they tell you that your height-weight ratio is a bit 'off' and have you tried eating less, moving more? Yes, thank you, I have. Have you tried asking the question, "oh, and btw, have you recently given birth?"

I can only laugh when I read these articles. Clearly, they are not meant for me. Not yet, anyway.

But I know sleep is coming. I believe it. I have to, or I'll crack.

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