Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Parking Skills

Do you ever find yourself in this situation?

I pulled into Smiley's daycare this morning and the only parking spot left was in between a couple of cars, both of which were not quite parked according to painted lines. To be fair, there are faded lines of confusion in this particular lot, but most of us usually get it right.

This morning, I had plenty of cushy space on either side of my car because the cars on either side of me where taking up extra space. In the end, our 3 cars took up 4 parking spots. Oops.

So I did what I had to do and parked in between them, only to come out of the building 15 minutes later to find both of those cars gone and now I look like the idiot who can't park!

People, I swear the other guys did it wrong first.

Please believe me.


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