Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Brown Store

Potty training has been going mostly well. I had originally planned on writing daily updates, but a favorite uncle of mine reminded me that not everyone is as interested in poop as I am. I certainly hope the fascination will fade for me, but it's part of my life right now. So there.

Here are some highlights from the first week.

Good news! We've mostly had dry underpants all week. Here is the report card from his first day at daycare without Pull-Ups. Each report card was similar, which is great. Way to (literally) go, Turbo!

You'll notice, if you dare click on the image, that he had a poop accident. At daycare, we refer to this as a "BM" and I hope I don't have to explain what that means. It's all very tidy to talk in terms of a BM. No gag reflex on that innocuous term.

So, yeah. The BM's have not been going quite as smoothly (did I really just write that? hee hee). The kid seems to have no care whether or not he craps in the can or his underpants. Any tips on that from seasoned mothers of boys?

But, whatever, I'm trying to be casual about it, following Turbo's own speed.

If poop can be funny, the funniest thing so far is this:  while watching his own poo flush down the toilet, Turbo proclaimed, "He's going to the brown store."

Me: "The what?"
Turbo repeats: "He's going to the brown store."

It makes perfect sense if you think about it. And if you're a 2.5+ year old.

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