Monday, January 16, 2012

Stand-Up Comedian

I think Turbo might have told his first joke today.

My husband and I picked up the kids a little early from daycare - snow accumulation made the school close early - and it was a pretty fun run home. It's so rare that the four of us spending quality time together... during daylight... on a weekday... unless you count the rushed and Cheerio-laden mornings, which we don't.

Turbo was waxing on about how well he'd listened to mommy by not running away from me as we walked to the car. Have I mentioned that this is a favorite trick? My only salvation is to tell him there is a treat in the car for him so that he makes a beeline for the car instead of the parking lot. It's working so far. No one's been run over.

I congratulated Turbo on having listened to me, "That's so great, honey! That makes mommy super happy."

Turbo beamed.

Then he told us that he followed directions from Miss Barbara today too, listening while she read a book about a snowman. Riveted, I asked him a question about the book.

Me: "Did the snowman say anything?"

Turbo: "Yeah. He said, 'I'm always the first to leave the party.'"

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