Monday, September 12, 2011

Missing You

Not quoting song lyrics by John Waite, but rather feeling an ache to spend time with Turbo.

Tonight I had to work from home. I got to put Smiley to bed, cram a slice of leftover pizza in my mouth, and then came upstairs to get cranking on this project. I'm actually making great progress on something that was a bit stuck, so I'm pleased with my work.

But I missed a lot tonight. Daddy played with Turbo outside after dinner (summer is waning, we have to take advantage), Daddy watched Shaun The Sheep on the couch with Turbo (although Daddy also snuck away to do dishes, so I can't really say I missed that part), and Daddy read books and put Turbo to bed.

Right now Daddy is snuggling with Turbo in that little twin bed and I'm sitting here with a cool breeze on my left arm, not cozy, not cuddling with anything warm.

It's OK, of course, because this is how it goes sometimes.

But I missed Turbo tonight.

Extra hugs in the morning to make up for it.

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