Saturday, May 28, 2011

What's Your Worst Fear?

A friend posted this question on Facebook recently. 

Fear is a stinky thing, one that can overpower and consume you if you let it. Like anyone, I've dealt with fears in my life, and some fears have come and gone over the years. Fear of flying and a fear of heights have competed for my attention for the better part of my life.

But when I read this question the other day, there was only one answer.

My biggest fear is dying while my children are young.

I do not let this thought consume me, but it does scare the hell out of me. To combat it, I keep a journal, written, with love, from me to them, recording some of their cute moments, and telling them how much I love them over and over again. I write the journal, not as a teenager who keeps her thoughts hidden from the world, but in full hope and knowledge that my kids will one day read it and know how much I love them.

I also take plenty of photos and videos. I recently had an idea to record myself reading some of my kids' favorite books. What fun! I really must begin that project soon. I love reading and love that my son is, so-far-fingers-crossed, an avid reader.

But, mostly, I treasure each moment with my kids. Even the ones where I want to pull my hair out or scream in frustration. I am so very blessed with these two gorgeous, happy, wonderful children.

Live in the now. Be here.  That's the way to blow this fear out of the water.

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