Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You're Feeling Well?

I've mentioned before that Turbo loves to have one of us in his bed as he falls asleep. I have come to love those cuddly moments (most of the time), although I can remember a time when putting Turbo to bed was the hardest job in the house. My husband and I spent many a night fiercely debating whose turn it was or wasn't to suffer that task.

But it's all good now. And yet I have to admit that I sometimes long for those movie scenes where a parent tucks a kid in, kisses their forehead and then walks out of the room as the kid drifts quickly and peacefully off to sleep. I am very curious if this will ever happen in our house.

At times when I've not been sleeping well, those cuddly, going-to-sleep evenings with Turbo usually end with me falling asleep in his bed. I find it annoying when this happens because my only alone time in a day is just after Turbo goes to bed and just before I hit the hay myself. Sometimes I allow myself 5 minutes, sometimes 50 minutes, but it's my time and I can do what I want. Plus, it's really hard on my sleep rhythms to fall asleep two different times a night. Ick.

To try to recapture some of that 'me time' I had to break the habit of falling asleep in Turbo's bed, which meant also breaking the habit of getting into his bed in the first place. It was easy enough to accomplish when I came down with a small cold.

As we walked into his bedroom, Turbo asked (as he always does), "Mom, you're coming in my bed?"

Me: "Not tonight, sweetie. I'm not feeling well." - I repeated this for a couple of nights, and then the habit was broken for a week or so. I sat outside his bed as he drifted off to sleep, clutching a Lighting McQueen car in each hand.

Tonight, Turbo asked again, "Mom, you're coming in my bed?"

Since I was in a cuddling mood, "Yes."

Turbo turned around and smiled, "You're feeling well?"

I laughed. "Yes, baby, I'm feeling well."


  1. Anytime we doubt that we share 98% of our genetics with primates, we just need to look at little kids, who know cuddling is good for us.
    CJ is very similar, and I have the same frustration with falling asleep when I really "need" to grade a few papers before bedtime. Sometimes I just give up my ambitions and wallow in the sweet snuggles, sometimes I'm a grumpy mom cuddling a few minutes and getting back up. Sometimes I play Words with Friends on an ipod behind her head to keep myself awake whilst she falls asleep, but usually she's too curious or fighting sleep too hard to let me do that.

  2. Thanks for the comment, MaryBeth. This past summer I got some good reading in on my Kindle app on my phone while Smiley needed extra back rubs to go to sleep. :)
