Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Muffins Save Hands

"Dad, don't burn your hands! I'll get you two muffins."

Let me explain.

Daddy cooked dinner tonight, which means dinner was grilled out back. Yummy grilled chicken and grilled asparagus - delish!

Early on in the process, Dad was cleaning the lit grill using a paper towel (yikes!), and I said calmly, "Be careful that you don't burn yourself."

Turbo took a cue from me and gasped, "Dad, don't burn your hands! I'll get you two muffins."

And then Turbo sprinted into the house to return with these:
"Oven Mitts" sounds like "Muffins" (sometimes)

If I bend my brain a little I can see where "oven mitt" might be confused with or sound like "muffins," but this innocent mistake was paired with an intense gasp and mad dash into the house. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

You see, we've been playing kitchen with Turbo's new prize for getting fully potty trained. Shh, secret... this was really a gift to mom and dad to give him something age appropriate so he'd stop being Godzilla knocking over all his sister's toys.

New toy! We call it 'green kitchen.'

Thank you, Turbo, for your urgency in preventing Daddy from becoming a burn victim.

My husband and I are lucky that we get to laugh almost every single day with our darling little Turbo.

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