I always laugh when I read health articles about the importance of getting 8 hours of sleep. Most of them (dare I say 'all'?) tell you that you need to get 8 hours, and if you're not getting 8 hours then you need to adjust your priorities so that you can get your full 8 hours of sleep each night. Oh, and sleep more on weekends if you can't get 8 each weeknight, so as to refill your sleep deficit.
Oh, really.
Hey, Turbo and Smiley, there are some Cheerios in the cupboard and milk is in the fridge. Banana on the kitchen counter, if you can reach it. Mama's sleepin' in.
But, seriously, I do agree that sleep is really important. It was never more clear to me than when I was feeding a newborn round the clock. You stumble, you hurt, your eyes sting. You struggle for words when you speak to your friends and family. You say, "bring me the ketchup," when what you really mean is, "hand me the baby."
Yep. Sleep, good uninterrupted sleep, fixes a lot of little gaps in my daily skill set.
I only wish some of these health articles would come with some sort of warning label: "Warning: Does not apply to you if you are pregnant, or have children in your house. You may skip this article and move on to watching more birth-without-pain videos, or more online episodes of the Backyardigans."
But last night... ahh... 8 hours, baby!
Thank you, Smiley. Thank you, Turbo. Mama likes sleep.
Let's hope I'm as lucky tonight. I got Zumba tomorrow and I loves me some Zumba. Zumba requires sleep.
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