Monday, July 25, 2011

Finding Time

Goodness, it's been a long week.

I have had several winning blog topics cross my path this past week, but we had a little sleep problem creep up in my house and it just goes to show you (or me, rather) that a lack of sleep affects everything.

I think Smiley is teething. At least I hope that's what is going on with her. Other than her 6-9 month obligatory I-will-not-sleep-well phase, she's been a pretty good sleeper. I've come to rely on this. Sure, she wakes a wee bit early around 5 AM, but she also wakes with smiles and endless chatter and is good for about 20 minutes of warm snuggles in our bed. I need those 20 minutes to pry my eyelids open.

Last night it felt like we had a newborn in the house. I could travel to Hawaii with the bags under my eyes. Ugh.

It was Sunday, so I was finishing making Smiley's food supply for the week - blend some soup, chop some carrots and egg yolks and bananas, and mix the pumpkin+apple+cilantro+chili power that she loves.

Around 10 PM, when I was just sitting down to write her schedule out for the daycare (new routine just started, so notes are helpful), Smiley decided she was no longer interested in sleep and would rather stand up, hold the railing and holler, "MOOOOOOOOMMYYYYYYYY!" -- or at least that is what my special decoder ring told me.

2 hours of me trying a bottle, cuddles, rocking, walking, teething gel, and even telling her firmly to go to sleep (it was worth a shot, right?), I gave in and assumed she was hurting somewhere.

We walked downstairs, where my poor, bleary-eyed husband was washing bottles and Smiley is looking downright perky to be up so late hangin' with Ma and Pa. She actually giggled. But, then, I giggle when I'm that exhausted too.

Tylenol to the rescue and she was asleep within 30 minutes and I crawled into my own bed. Relax.

Not so fast, mom. Now it's Turbo's turn to cry out. I think he did pretty well for 2 hours of nearly non-stop crying and super loud noises from his baby sister.

Back to work I go.

I finally got in my own bed around 3:30 AM.

See. Newborn stuff.


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