Thursday, June 9, 2011

Conversations With a Toddler

I have loved witnessing the evolution of my son's language development. A year ago he was barely pronouncing single words like "ball" and "water" and "gat" (for cat). Single words only, no phrases, no context.

Then came strings of words together, with "want dat," or "no diaper."  Soon to follow were complete sentences.

Some days I swear he'd wake up in the morning and not only have new words in his vocabulary, but also a new way of forming sentences. I have to say it makes me a little envious how he can accomplish 'work' in his sleep, while my sleep is still very fragmented and not nearly as restorative. I usually wake up with one single thought: "Oh, crap, is it morning already?"

Tonight was another great example. Two examples, actually.

First was as he left the dinner table without asking to be excused (we're working on manners). Both my husband and I called out to him and asked him to come back, to which he replied, "I hear you," and kept on walking.

Then, when I was pretending I couldn't find his favorite Thomas the Train book, he says, "maybe we should ask Dad."

Blows my mind that he knows how to use 'maybe' in a sentence. Perhaps it's totally normal and on track, but it's my first kid so I get to be impressed and marvel at the breakneck speed of his ever changing self.

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